Chapter 377: Perfect Sword Heart (2nd update, asking for monthly tickets!!!)

Clang, clang, clang...

Shi Xiaole swiftly swung his sword, sparing no effort to bring forth seventy-five percent of the emphasis of his Wind Intent Realm. But the speed of steel balls was too fast. For every swing, there were at least five steel balls shooting towards him.

Two thuds.

Shi Xiaole's left shoulder and right leg were hit, initiating the activation of the Faceless Divine Skill and deflecting the steel balls.

Due to their speed, the intensity of the steel balls was astonishing. Each ball had the capability to pierce a three-inch thick layer of iron.

In a quarter of the two-hour period, Shi Xiaole was hit by the steel balls over seventy times. He had to disable the lowest toggle switch as the Faceless Divine Skill rapidly consumed his internal power.

"What a place to hone reflexes."

This underground space was constructed secretly by the ancient Black Devil Divine Monarch for cultivation purposes, only known to the Wind and Rain Dual-Demons and their offspring.