Chapter 388: The Disappeared Blood Battle Origin (Extra for the Alliance Master 'Raised Little Dragon Lady', 1/9)

Shi Xiaole stayed a few days in Jade Town.

Besieged by the constant disturbance, Shi Xiaole chose to live secretly in a separate residence bought by the Jade Moon Palace. His days were spent in tranquility, either catching up with old friends Lan Xiaodie and Tao Xingyu or cultivating his skills in meditation.

Of course, it was inevitable that the female disciples of the Jade Moon Palace would seek his guidance on martial arts questions. These disciples were immensely curious about Shi Xiaole, initially holding back their questions for fear of coming off as intrusive.

However, after the first female disciple took a chance and approached him for advice, receiving a warm and humble response, the others gained courage and started consulting Shi Xiaole whenever they had a chance.

Shi Xiaole welcomed all questions, thoughtfully providing his answers after a much-needed reflection. His answers were always insightful and enlightening, leaving the female disciples in admiration and awe.