As experts from various major forces risked their lives to delve deeper into Illusion Lord's Cave-Dwelling, miles away at a certain lake in the boundless desert region, a free-spirited young man in a green robe arrived.

"Miss Shui once said that every array system surrounding an ancient cave or tomb has two major entrances - the life door and the death door. The entrance in the boundless desert region should be the life door," he mused.

Every array system expert knows that the life door is the only path to breaking the array system.

However, Shui Lingping chose to take the opposite approach. She believed that breaking the array system through the life door was no real feat. She held that the true method to decipher and even gain control over an array system was to enter through the death door, facing death and then surviving.

Voicing such a viewpoint would cause a roar of laughter among array system experts in the Martial World.

Shi Xiaole did not laugh.