Chapter 722: Meeting the Three Talents Association Again (Seeking Subscription)

On the plains, the wind howled.

The sentiments of the crowd were stirred by the words in the wind, their eyes fixed firmly on the two figures in the depression. The deciding moment of victory was about to come, but it was unclear who would gain the upper hand.

"Heaven and Earth Double Kill!"

"Thousand One!"

Shen Canghai's pupils dilated, rising power surged through his right arm, the black chain whip turning white, as if it were a voracious dragon, baring its teeth and claws.

With a snap!

Within the glaring silver light, the thirteen-section chain whip, loaded with dozens of iron rings, suddenly exploded in midair, drawing comet-like brilliant light trails everywhere, shooting directly towards Shi Xiaole.

In terms of attack power, Heaven and Earth Double Kill was not stronger than the Chain of Sentiment, they were both of a high Fourth Tier level, what made the former surpass the latter was its diversified and ingenious attacks, which left the opponent no chance to resist.