Chapter 731: Accepting the Battle

By the edge of a cliff that emitted a gloomy yellow fog, a withered tree stood alone, with a crow perched on it, uttering dry and desolate caws.

The sunset on the horizon was slowly sinking.

At a certain moment, the dark yellow fog parted to reveal a silvery ocean beneath. A closer inspection showed that it was an accumulation of countless bones!

A young man in golden clothes stepped through the air, landing at the edge of the cliff. His handsome face full of pride seemed boundless and uncontainable even by heaven and earth.


The crow on the tree swooped towards the young man in golden clothes with a speed that even lightning could hardly describe. Almost before its wings even moved, its long beak was already aimed at the young man's neck.

"Black Crow Taoist, your illusion technique is powerful. Unfortunately, you could have made your escape quietly in the first place."