Chapter 764: Breaking Records One After Another (II)

"Brother Sheng, congratulations."

As Sheng Xingzhi returned to the pavilion, Liu Xuantong smiled and sent him an audio message.

Sheng Xingzhi didn't say anything but just deeply looked at the other party.

Both his intuition and reason told him that the other party could not remain standing in place. To expect a person with not inferior talent and effort suddenly fall behind, was a sign of cowardice and hard to become reality.

This was the case with Liu Xuantong, Gong Thirteen, and also Shi Xiaole…

Sheng Xingzhi had a strong premonition that his phantom left on the stage would soon be broken by others, but who would the person be?

Although he thinks highly of his peers, it didn't mean that he would underestimate himself, passing through his level wasn't an easy task!

Sitting in place, Sheng Xingzhi quietly observed for changes.