Chapter 896 Great Dragon Head, Six Righteous Assembly_1

After the Drunken Spring Breeze's backyard, atop a certain attic.

"If there's a chance to win over the Kirin, we must not miss it."

This was a tall, handsome man standing in the sunlight. Du Ziyan stood behind him with her head slightly lowered, her expression a mix of fear and utmost respect.

"But Great Dragon Head, the Kirin… he…"

"Hehe, he just fancies Mei Junyi, doesn't he? Give the order, tell her to tie him down at all costs. When necessary... she may sacrifice her chastity."

The man's words made Du Ziyan shudder, and the color drained from her face.

How many knew that all the women of Drunken Spring Breeze were adopted by the Great Dragon Head, and his goal was to use beauty to weave a web of power and influence?

While Du Ziyan had a vague awareness of the Great Dragon Head's numerous covert operations, beyond Drunken Spring Breeze, his network sprawled across the Flying Horse, Daxia, and Bei Liang dynasties.