Chapter 905 Too Proactive_1


In the Bone Forest, gusts of sinister wind whistled through, rattling skulls and skeletons with a clattering noise, as if countless wraiths were wailing in chorus.

Han Yanfa's smile was unexpectedly warm, making one suspect that taking a life was the most pleasurable thing in the world to him.

Under the constraints of the Golden Abyss Alliance, if a Martial Emperor of the Void Origin Realm made a move, it would inevitably trigger a backlash from fate, but if they suppressed their martial power and martial path to the level of the Divine Barrier Realm, there would be no repercussions.

However, doing so would mean the Martial Emperor of the Void Origin Realm would lose their greatest advantage, rendering the action meaningless.

Yet, Han Yanfa suddenly wanted to try it. As one of the shining stars among the golden generation (Chapter 588), he couldn't remember how many years it had been since he last acted, simply because no one was worthy.

"You're asking for trouble,"