Chapter 921 Heavenly Will Sect_1

"Dare to spoil my plans!"

The Fearful Martial Emperor, covered in blood, lay beside a large tree, with a strand of floating Sword Qi in the palm of his hand.

This he had seized from Shi Xiaole's body, and once his strength had recovered, he would be able to find the other party with ease, even if separated by thousands of miles and mountains.

A Martial Emperor of the Void Origin Realm indeed possessed abilities beyond the mundane world!


"It's a ghost!"

A group of escorts passed by not far away, and suddenly screamed, as strands of invisible aura rose from their bodies, greedily absorbed by the Fearful Martial Emperor.

Before long, the once robust escorts all lay on the ground, reduced to skeletal remains in a tragic scene.

"Towns may be safe, but they are too small; this time, I might as well find a city and settle things once and for all!"

The ruthless voice drifted through the air, but beneath the great tree, no one was to be found.
