Chapter 946 Not So Much After All_1

Hiss! Hiss!

Two beams of finger-force imbued with tremendous power lingered in the air long after their path; if Shi Xiaole hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been either dead or seriously injured.

"Wudao Xuan!"

The pupils of the three Yan Family Martial Emperors shrank simultaneously.

As members of the Yan family, their understanding of the Martial World of Daxia was far deeper than others', so news of Wudao Xuan could not be concealed from them. They had previously seen his portrait.

This was a once-in-a-generation genius, who, solely by virtue of possessing the Selfless Sacred Bone, was destined to catch the whole Martial World's attention. According to the Fire Emperor, this youth's natural aptitude was top-notch, unmatched by many.

When combined, these attributes created a prodigy who, in the eyes of all significant figures, shone with boundless brilliance, unmatched under heaven.

Yan Jicheng even regarded him as one of his greatest rivals.