Chapter 1053 This is Bad_1

In the deeper area, the view was extremely expansive, a large square appeared, with weapon-shaped pavilions acting as boundaries, dividing it into many zones where weapons constantly erupted from these buildings.

It could be seen that in ninety-nine percent of the zones, Earth Immortals of the Divine Barrier Realm were engaged in fierce battles; Shi Xiaole had little interest in it.

Any Spiritual Weapon above medium-grade was beyond the reach of Earth Immortals of the Divine Barrier Realm, and for Shi Xiaole, such weapons were simply too inferior.

With a brief scan, Shi Xiaole quickly took note of a zone on the eastern side, where several Martial Emperors of the Void Origin Realm were fighting intensely. Coincidentally, among them were three individuals he had previously driven away when collecting herbs from the garden.

At this moment, these three were joining forces to attack a couple dressed in green.