Chapter 1071: Making a Move_1

Er Pingzhi had only slightly more than a thousand men by his side, excluding the utterly loyal civil officials, only a little over nine hundred were actually combat-capable. Among these men, the majority were royal guards whose strength was at the Spiritual-Passage Realm. The three chief leaders were Earth Immortals of the Divine Border Realm, in the Zrin Kingdom, they were considered top-notch experts.

However, the soldiers obeying Er Pingyong were no weaker. Some were trained secretly by him, while others were infiltrators from the mysterious man. Their strength wasn't overwhelming, but it was just enough to suppress the royal guards.

In just a moment, severed limbs and broken arms had fallen everywhere, the strong residual waves of energy forced the civil officials on both sides to keep retreating, collapsing like rows of rice plants.

"Kill these traitors!"

"The traitors are you!"