Chapter 1075: Taking Out Anger on Someone_1

When Shi Xiaole once again let out drops of fresh blood, the Ancestral Altar erupted with the same light as before, but no light door appeared. After waiting for a full two days and nights, Shi Xiaole had no choice but to give up hope.

He guessed that constructing a Void Channel must come at a great cost, and after being disrupted by experts from the three tribes, it would be very difficult for the people of Peach Blossom Village to summon him again in the short term.

Moreover, for safety's sake, even if they had the ability, they would not act. This attempt at summoning had been discovered, and there was no guarantee it wouldn't happen again next time.

"Dad, National Master, you must be fine, I trust you,"

Shi Xiaole silently left these words behind, turned and left. He followed the method of the National Master, cast the spell, and quickly left the underground space, returning to the royal palace.