Chapter 27: The Death of Ancient Weapons

The mercenaries had no idea that the attacks from the skeleton monster weren't meaningless. In reality, each strike brought about minute damages that no one could see.

When these mini damages piled up, they eventually posed lethal threats to the construct.

Moreover, this enormous creature, with its pitifully meager intelligence, couldn't comprehend what the agile insect at its feet was doing.

In reality, the raw destruction that this giant-sized construct could ignite was something observable only during large-scale legion battles.

In a situation where it can be singled out without any soldiers to defend or assist, this construct was at its weakest. The mercenaries were merely ignoring the obvious weaknesses they could also see because of its immense size.

With its mighty fists pounding at the ground, the entire castle began to shake. Bohr watched anxiously as the unexpected scene unfolded before him.