Even though these principles are firm, as if they were truths.
The people who have escaped calamity won't simply continue to be lucky and survive.
There will inevitably be inner demons that will haunt them.
In the long, sleepless nights, those who have never reached out to help will suffer from terrifying nightmares that rob them of sleep.
If such a situation arises.
Then please don't worry. Don't be afraid either, because the next troubles are on their way.
When trouble finds you, it only proves that it is the beginning of troubles yet to come.
This is the reality that Luna is facing at the moment.
At last, she clearly sees what she is truly dealing with and where she stands.
Indeed, in this matter, Violet has no reason to reject the woman before her, but she also has no reason to agree to her demands.
A truth is plainly laid before everyone at this moment.
Where there is gain, there is loss!