Chapter 362: The Furious Female Knight

Any person's angry curses are in essence, an impotence towards the stark reality before them.

Take the actions of this female knight, for instance, she cursed aloud because she could no longer change the reality that was right before her eyes.

But this kind of problem doesn't just affect her alone.

Looking at the nightmarish scene before him, the captain of the guards felt a splitting headache, unsure of how to handle the situation.

All he had wanted was to defeat his opponent.

That did not mean he planned to strip the opponents of their entire equipment after knocking them out.

Doing so would incite complete hatred from them, provoking discomfort and aversion.

The situation would escalate into a dead-end, causing his actions to be misinterpreted.

This could potentially lead to an irreversible catastrophe.

Thus, while the worst-case scenario had not yet occurred, the captain of the guards blurted out: