The more you know in your heart what exactly the other person is doing.

Therefore, in such a situation, you know even more clearly the kind of attitude you should display.

It's not wise to simply let the other party manipulate you at the very beginning.

And when facing this matter, it is clear that the other person wants to drag you down with them, their intention couldn't be more obvious.

So, when facing this, he could choose to refuse, so why not do so?

That's the thought the young man had at that time.

Everyone, when facing any situation, can make such an instinctive thought process.

The same goes for this young man.

He clearly understands the nature of the issue he's facing, so he tries to come up with a better answer.

That is, given the current circumstances, what kind of actions can he take and why doesn't he take such actions?

Considering these matters, this becomes the most crucial thought process about the present issue.