Chapter 622: That Man

The situation had become very simple.

"What I want to discuss with you is about that man."

It was at this moment, this female mage, said so in a calm tone.

Violet furrowed her brows at this, not at the cold thing beyond the city walls, but at the words of the woman before her.

"You're talking about that man? Do you have something you want to say?"

After biting her lip, the female mage nodded solemnly and said.

"Indeed. What I want to discuss with you is about that man."

When the topic shifted to this, Violet helplessly lifted her hand, holding her forehead.

Looking at the situation before her, it seems that now there's no more need for any further hesitation.

And this matter itself, it seems it already had an obvious answer.

Therefore, facing what's happening before her, naturally there's no more need for any further queries.

The situation at this moment had become very simple, no more need for any other pondering.