763: Loyalty is greater than ability

At this moment, she was clearly a bit dissatisfied. The gesture the young man in front of her was making, seemingly in response to her own, seemed utterly pointless.

So, she began to speak, her tone laced with the faint edge of dissatisfaction.

"Who are you talking to? Do you suppose I'm some stone slab in front of you?"

The tone of dissatisfaction in the other person's words finally compelled the young man to break away from his bowed stance.

With an awkward twitch of his lips, he knew that he could no longer evade the temptation in front of him.

With some difficulty, he lifted his gaze to meet Violet's, promising himself not to let his gaze wander elsewhere.

Yet, as a man, he couldn't control words were out, that innate yearning within him. Perhaps he could turn and walk away.

But he could not engage in any other behaviors at this moment.

As if he could only stand there, watching events unfold, and reply to the probing questions presented to him.