Chapter 789: Knowing the 'Name

At this time, a potentially effective solution, something truly worth dealing with, is not at all certain.

Under the current circumstances, the issues seem to be as surface-deep as they appear, with no further causes for deep thought or inquiry required.

In the face of these challenges, is there really a need for much more concern, or anything else warranting special attention?

The current situation might seem difficult at first, but as time passes people will gradually comprehend the true nature of the happening.

A further cause for deep thought and judgement is no longer necessary as the situation stands. The youth clearly understood that he should perhaps take some sort of action at this moment.

"I don't have much I want to do, Mr. Andrew." In a swift turn of events, he has begun to counterattack.

The problems we confront initially are not burdensome and do not require hesitation.