Chapter 834: Give an inch, want a mile

When faced with the reality before him, contemplating other potential thoughts or considerations on the issue was perhaps inappropriate.

Thus, the situation began to clarify with a greater understanding of the issue at hand.

He knew what sort of consideration the opponent might have in mind regarding the current matter?

And knowing clearly what action he himself might take, he preferred to see first what the opponent might do.

Only by understanding what action the enemy might take could he then adopt a more targeted approach to the issue.

As such, in this circumstance, the opponent would be completely at the mercy of all the actions he adopted.

And fall right into his trap.

Without any means of resistance.

The result, which is what he ultimately hoped to achieve, might reveal the true nature of things.

Andrew had a clear understanding of the issue before him.

But the Alchemist was not keen for things to unfold as the opponent hoped.