Chapter 842: The Dark Environment

When faced with darkness, everyone instinctively feels very uneasy at the beginning.

But this instinctive unease within one's own heart may not bear much worth for people to reflect on and judge.

It only slows down one's pace in addressing and solving the problem at hand.

This is what the Alchemist, at this very moment, realistically thought of as such a bothersome matter.

He did not want to have any thoughts of evading the issue or any concerns when confronting it.

However, the situation itself did not require much attention or consideration from anyone.

Perhaps that's what made it seem like a very realistic thing.

So, when one has too many thoughts or inappropriate considerations about a problem...

How should one accurately judge and think about the issue at hand?

No one can easily come to a clear conclusion or answer when facing what lies before their eyes.

The reality of the situation presents itself as something so simple.