Chapter 1042: Headache

The Alchemist felt his head was incredibly heavy at the moment; he didn't know the appropriate action to take in the face of the issues presented.

Could this truly be considered correct?

It would ultimately feel like a highly satisfactory reality.

Just as certain, initially specific understandings about problems originate from deep within one's heart.

Other thoughts emerge uniquely from within about the situation.

There's also a cautious type of satisfying doubt that arises in handling problems.

Thus, one possesses the feeling of having the best collective approach to everything.

The tangle and thoughts of actions also no longer needed to be there, as more could be detailedly faced by people.

Or perhaps understand the issue itself, which should appear to have the best understanding of the problem and feel appropriate.

Starting to maintain this kind of facing the problems seems like having quite a good common idea at the beginning.