Chapter 8: Star Blue

"Does this price you're offering not require me to provide the raw materials?" Lin Yun couldn't help but ask.

Traditionally in business, during price negotiations asking such questions is considered a rookie mistake, but Lin Yun didn't resist.

The reason was he couldn't believe how easily happiness had come to him. With these energy banks, he was sure that, once the sale was in motion, he would have no trouble selling them. In a bit over an hour, he could earn tens of thousands of dollars, and over a hundred thousand dollars in a day. This was more money than he'd managed to save over several years. Even in Shen City, lush with the wealthy, this rate of profit was something only a few could achieve.

"No, the materials required for this product are of a very low grade and not worth much," the other party responded.

"Could the price be lowered further?" Lin Yun finally returned to a businessman-like mindset and asked again.

"Hehe, you're new here, aren't you?" The other party chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yun paused before asking.

He was unsure of what the other party meant, and he didn't know if letting the other party know that he was new would put him at a disadvantage.

"There's nothing to worry about. The reason I'm able to tell you're new is that the Cosmic Trading System will notify a seller when a newcomer is buying something. It seems that you're a clever newbie. I've been on the Cosmic Trading System for over a thousand years and have met many newcomers. Many of them immediately purchase products that are much more advanced than their civilization, but you're not..." The other party spoke while laughing.

"And then?" Lin Yun asked.

"Then many of them never appeared again, I suppose many of them died..." the other party said.


Lin Yun was speechless.

"And then?"

After a pause, Lin Yun asked again.

"I am Star Blue. How about we become friends? I'll give you the one thousand products at 0.8 Spirit Energy Points each, how does that sound?" the other party proposed with a smile.

"Ok, go ahead and manufacture a thousand first. I believe I'll need quite a lot more later on. When can you deliver?" Lin Yun thought for a moment then replied directly.

He had browsed the information on other similar Galactic Civilization communication device production lines for sale, and the price of this seller was relatively affordable. Adding to their recent conversation, he felt that the other party did not elevate the price of the energy banks too high.

Anyway, at the current price, he was already making a significant profit, so he didn't try to bargain anymore.

"A thousand, huh? Because of the need to prepare the materials, it might take a little longer. In your time terms, about an hour should be enough. Subsequent production will be much more straightforward. One production line can produce about fifty thousand units a day. If you need a larger quantity, I can activate more production lines, but this might not be very cost-effective. I suggest you purchase some production lines and produce them yourself when you have enough Spirit Crystals," Star Blue thought for a moment and replied.

A thousand energy banks could be produced in an hour?

This speed surprised Lin Yun once again.

However, considering that the other party belonged to a highly advanced civilization, Lin Yun accepted it.

The advice at the end made Lin Yun appreciate the seller a little more.

"Alright, let's make the trade in an hour." Lin Yun replied.

The Cosmic Trading System had intelligent surveillance, so there was no need for him to place an order in advance.

"No problem, I hope we can have more collaborations in the future. If you have any specialties on your planet, you can sell them to me too. I guarantee I'll offer you a fair price. When you're free, you can browse through the information on the various sections of the Cosmic Trading System, to see the prices of various items and to see what specialties you have that are suitable for sale," Star Blue said with a nod.

"Alright, thanks for the reminder." Lin Yun responded through his thoughts.

After ending their conversation, Lin Yun re-entered the Golden Dragon Building once again.

Right now, he only had 0.71 Spirit Energy Points in the Cosmic Trading System. Since departing from the Golden Dragon Building, the rate at which his system absorbed spiritual energy had dropped by several times. If he wanted to quickly collect 0.8 Spirit Energy Points, he would need to re-enter the Golden Dragon Building.

Second floor of the Golden Dragon Building.

"Something's not right."

Suddenly, Lin Yun stopped in his tracks, his brow furrowing.

He noticed that when he's outside of the Golden Dragon Building, the Cosmic Trading System absorbed spiritual energy at a significantly reduced pace. However, when he was on the second floor of the Golden Dragon Building, the absorption rate of the Cosmic Trading System was a tad more than on the first floor.

The number of people on the two floors was actually not much different.

"I see, the Cosmic Trading System can absorb spiritual energy from the air within a thirty-meter radius. It doesn't just absorb spiritual energy from the air in front, behind, to the left, and to the right, it also absorbs from above and below. No wonder when I'm outside, the Cosmic Trading System's absorption of spiritual energy is so slow. But in the Golden Dragon Building, the rate is so fast…"

"Every floor of the Golden Dragon Building is packed with people. When you add up the thirty-meter radius from top to bottom, the number of people is unimaginable. How could the Cosmic Trading System's absorption of spiritual energy not be fast then…"

Lin Yun realized.

The lower floors of the Golden Dragon Building were taller, and the upper floors were about three meters high.

When he was on the first floor, he could only absorb the spiritual energy from the air on floors one to eight or nine.

When he was on the second floor, he could absorb the spiritual energy from the air from the first to the ninth or tenth floor. With an additional floor, the speed naturally increased.

By extension, when he was on the third floor, the range for the Cosmic Trading System to absorb spiritual energy would be even larger.

The Golden Dragon Building had a total of eighteen floors. When he was on the eighth or ninth floor, he could almost absorb spiritual energy from all floors.

With this in mind, Lin Yun decisively headed upwards.

Indeed, every time he went up a floor, the speed of the Cosmic Trading System absorbing spiritual energy increased considerably.

By the time he reached the eighth floor, the Cosmic Trading System's speed of absorbing spiritual energy had already increased by 30% compared to his time on the third floor.

According to the current rate, he estimated that the Cosmic Trading System could absorb one Spirit Energy Point in an hour.

"It's a pity that it can only absorb from within a thirty-meter range..."

Lin Yun couldn't help but lament.

The Golden Dragon Building, each floor measured a few thousand square meters, with a length of about a hundred meters and a width of about fifty to sixty meters.

A radius of thirty meters could only cover half of the Golden Dragon Building.

If he could cover the entire range of the Golden Dragon Building, the Cosmic Trading System's spiritual energy absorption speed would double.

"On the Cosmic Trading System, there are devices available for purchase that absorb and refine spiritual energy, but their prices are too high. The cheapest ones cost a few thousand Spirit Crystals..."

Lin Yun shook his head.

A few thousand Spirit Crystals... He's now having trouble collecting a single Spirit Crystal...

According to the current speed of the Cosmic Trading System absorbing spiritual energy, it would take about ten days for him to have a single Spirit Crystal. A few thousand Spirit Crystals would be tens of thousands of days... which is a hundred years!

A hundred years, he would be long gone!

"However, I can not only use the Cosmic Trading System to absorb spiritual energy from the air, but I can also sell the specialties of Earth to exchange for Spirit Crystals..."

The existence of the Cosmic Trading System is to allow resources from various civilizations to circulate. He can not only buy things from other civilizations, but other civilizations can also buy things from Earth. This was the significance of the existence of the Cosmic Trading System.

First, he could sell the specialties of Earth, save enough Spirit Crystals, buy devices that absorb and refine spiritual energy, and then use the Spirit Crystals obtained from absorption and refining to buy other things. This was a good method.

He just didn't know what specialties Earth had that are good for sale.

Lin Yun contemplated quietly.

Star Blue was right, he should browse through the information on the various sections of the Cosmic Trading System more often.

However, there was no rush for this matter. He would take it one step at a time. He would first handle the matter at hand.