Chapter 12: The Last Injustice

After an hour of boxing and finishing his morning routine, it was eight in the morning and Lin Yun took a taxi to the Golden Dragon Building.

Lin Yun first came to Zhao Zhun's store on the third floor of the Golden Dragon Building.

At that time, there were several people in Zhao Zhun's store. Zhao Zhun was introducing them to the data of the power bank, at the same time demonstrating the charging scenes of the power bank. However, many people were of a doubtful attitude.

"Ten times the charging speed of ordinary power banks, equivalent to a 150,000 mAh battery, how is that possible?"

"Old Zhao, you called me to come yesterday, saying you have a good thing. Is it this? I didn't expect you to become such a person!"

"The best portable power supply in the world is still far from your power bank. You can't mean to say the world's best power bank is being sold by you?"

Soon, some people either snickered or shook their heads in disappointment, turning to walk away.

These people, many of them old hands, no matter how good Zhao Zhun's words were, or how truthful the demonstration was, simply did not believe Zhao Zhun.

Conmen have an unparalleled ability to deceive, and if you believe, you'll be fooled.

Remember that oil tycoon who claimed just a few drops could turn a box of water into oil?

How many people believed him! It was even rumored that senior leaders of the country had met with him!

And what was the result? He turned out to be a scammer!

In their view, the power bank that Zhao Zhun introduced was just such a product.

Because many of the data that Zhao Zhun introduced went against conventional belief.

"Let's go..."

"We should go too!"

"I also don't believe these data are real..."

Seeing the few people in front leaving, the others who were still hesitating also shook their heads one after another, leaving in succession.

People tend to follow the crowd. If others saw through the scam, it would be foolish for them to remain there, wouldn't it?

"Ah... Elder Zhang... Elder Lee..."

Seeing these people leaving one after another, Zhao Zhun made haste to call out.

How could this be? The data of this power bank was clearly true...

Yet, those people, fearing to stay any longer in case they really got scammed, left even faster. In a moment, there was no one left in Zhao Zhun's store.

Lin Yun was speechless.

He didn't expect to see this happen so early in the morning.

"Ah… Lin Yun... you're here?"

At this time, Zhao Zhun, who was at the door of the store, finally noticed Lin Yun and spoke awkwardly.

"I originally came to see how your sales were doing, but I didn't expect to see this…" Lin Yun said with a smile.

"I didn't expect this to happen either..." Zhao Zhun said with a bitter face.

Originally, he had tried the power bank many times last night and was even more convinced of the data Lin Yun had mentioned. He was very excited and even called many customers. In his mind, as long as he revealed the data of the power bank, these customers would be immediately excited and buy the product swiftly. However, reality had dealt him a blow!

"The data of this power bank indeed appears to be a bit exaggerated." Lin Yun sighed.

"I have realized that. To be honest, I feel quite ashamed. When you first told me about the data of this power bank, I almost saw you as a conman... It's no wonder those people didn't believe me... It's true what they say about getting a taste of your own medicine..." Zhao Zhun said with a bitter smile.

"However, rest assured, Lin Yun. This power bank is genuinely good and won't be hard to sell. I'll find a few good friends to help, this power bank will sell well. When the time comes, it'll surely make those people regret their earlier decision..." Zhao Zhun eagerly added after a pause.

"Yes, I always trust Brother Zhao in matters of business," Lin Yun nodded in agreement.

After exchanging a few more words, Lin Yun left.

On the eighth floor, Lin Yun found a quiet place to sit down.

After some thought, he took out his mobile phone and started to call his customers.

A number of them had already placed orders at his factory, but due to the accident, these orders had not been fulfilled. Having come out of the hospital yesterday and suddenly acquired the Cosmic Trading System and having to deal with the power bank affair, he hadn't immediately contacted these customers.

No matter what, he had to settle these matters.

"Mr. Lin?"

Upon receiving Lin Yun's call, some of the customers were very surprised, not knowing about the accident at Lin Yun's factory, some were very happy, these were customers who knew about the accident and thought their money was lost as they hadn't been able to contact Lin Yun these past few days. Some, however, were very angry, these were customers with a bad temper, or those who'd suffered a loss because Lin Yun's orders hadn't been completed on time.

"Mr. Yuan (Mr. Qian) ( Mr. Yao), I'm sorry, there was an incident at my factory a while ago, I wonder if it's okay for you... Don't worry, this is my responsibility, any loss you suffer, I'll compensate... Also, I have a new product here that I'd like you to try... I'm currently at the Golden Dragon Building. Would you like to come over or should I send it to you?"

Lin Yun patiently explained to these customers one by one, apologized, and offered solutions, while also promoting his new power bank.

Because of the previous example with Zhao Zhun's store, he didn't directly mention the data of the power bank, nor did he push sales, he just asked them to try it first. He believed that once these people tried it and found out how powerful the power bank was, they wouldn't miss this opportunity.

An hour later, after finishing all the calls, as Lin Yun expected, most customers allowed him to find another factory to help them complete the orders, only a few refunded their deposit, or refunded their deposit and requested compensation for loss...

Such is the benefit of trust. Lin Yun's credibility had always been good, thus, most customers trusted the factories that Lin Yun referred to them. Some even asked Lin Yun for introductions to reliable factories if he no longer wished to do it himself.

"Twenty-one thousand yuan, yesterday I gave Ding Wei five thousand as a deposit to package the power bank. Now, after deducting the customers' deposit and the compensation for loss, I only have a thousand left..."

Lin Yun calculated lightly, a bitter smile on his face.

Luckily, Qingqing had transferred twenty thousand to him. Otherwise, he really wouldn't have been able to cope this time.

He didn't know when Zhao Zhun could sell the power banks he had on hand.

Next, Lin Yun called Ding Wei and Little Mei, asking them to come to the eighth floor of the Golden Dragon Building.

Twenty minutes later, Ding Wei and Little Mei arrived, and Lin Yun gave them some power banks, asking them to deliver them to some of the more amicable customers.

For the more difficult customers, he would handle them personally.

These customers were all in the electronics business and were located fairly close, some were even in the Golden Dragon Building. Over the next three hours, Lin Yun was busy with these tasks.

With the customers he chose being mostly hard to deal with, and the error arising from his end, it was natural for Lin Yun to receive cold treatment - to which he responded with a smile throughout.

"From now on, I'm not putting up with this anymore..."

In business, it's inevitable to encounter difficult customers. Reminiscing about the humiliations he'd endured over the years, Lin Yun felt a slight bitterness. He quietly clenched his fist and said to himself.

This time, due to the mistake lying on his end, he decided to tolerate this last bit of humiliation.

Of course, he did not give the power bank to the particularly difficult customers. He was very clear that the power bank he had custom-made would certainly cause a sensation in the market. It was a huge opportunity, and he naturally did not want to give such an opportunity to those particularly difficult customers.

For those customers who just complained a bit, Lin Yun did not hold a grudge. The mistake was on his end this time, so it was normal for them to complain. Having worked together, they shared a relationship, so he didn't mind giving them another opportunity.

Of course, if they didn't trust him, he wouldn't remind them.

There were indeed such cases. He saw a few customers dismiss the power banks he sent over as insignificant. Some even scoffed at it disdainfully after he left, their attitudes similar to those of the customers in Zhao Zhun's store that morning.

Perhaps it was because of the data printed on his power bank.

Encountering such situations, he offered no reminder.

As he thought, having worked together, they had a connection. But if they didn't trust him, it was simply not meant to be.