Chapter 187: Everyone is shocked (Two in one) _2

Soon, everyone saw the luxury cars and the black-clad men in the alley.

Everyone was shocked.

At that moment, they finally understood why Chief Tie was so respectful to Lin Yun.

Turns out, Lin Yun made a name for himself outside.

Because the distance wasn't far, Zhang Xi hurried over to take a closer look.

The officers arresting him didn't stop him from doing so, the charisma of the luxury cars and the black-clothed men was overpowering. At first, they had only seen them from within their cars, now, they wanted a closer look as well.

"How can this be... how can this be..." Upon witnessing the scene in the alley, Zhang Xi's mind buzzed, his face filled with disbelief as he muttered incessantly.

Having noted the attire of these black-clad individuals, thinking about the two who had gone after his underlings, considering the respect and fawning Chief Tie had shown towards Lin Yun, how could he not realize that these vehicles and bodyguards were most likely Lin Yun's?