Chapter 292: Vast Wealth (1st update!)

Near Shen City, deep within a collection of ancient buildings.

In a side room, a brush abruptly fell onto a table, the ink splattering a freshly written piece of text.

"In merely two hours, so much has happened, both the Mie and Lu Families were wiped out in succession..."

"That Lin Yun, that Qingyun Company, they actually have such potent power..."

A middle-aged man with a refined demeanor sat in a chair, picked up a cup of wine from the table beside him, took a sip, and mumbled in disbelief.

He was Lin Yuanshan, the modern Sect Leader of the Golden Sword Sect, father to Lin Mengmeng.

Yesterday, their security guards from Gold Sword Security Company experienced mass casualties at Qingyun Hotel, which inadvertently involved the Golden Sword Sect in conflicts with the Mie and Lu Families.

As he was contemplating how to handle the situation, an unexpected turn of events occurred.