Chapter 443: Lin Yun Returns

"They... how could they dare to do this?"

In the Qingyun Building, Xia Qingqing and her company were all dumbfounded. After a while, someone in the group trembled and spoke.

The words snapped the others back to reality.

"Quick! We need to leave this place!"

Xia Qingqing had a complex look on her face, but she still spoke with a low command.

As her voice fell, Cloud Three, Cloud Four, Cloud Five began to act. A strong Domain Power enveloped them all, and they teleported towards the outer space of Earth instantaneously.

Now, with so many powerful beings on Earth, it was no longer safe here.

If they encountered an unstoppable enemy, they would teleport into the stars - this was Lin Yun's order.

"Haha, thinking of leaving? Three martial artists of the early stage of level eight, daring to show off in front of us!"

"These people must be the higher-ups of Qingyun Company. Nice, a clean sweep!"