Chapter 450: Only One Month's Time

"Jier was one of the shepherd boys of the Elder Lord back then, who was quite respectful of me. According to him, the real powerhouses of the Immortal World and the Heavenly Realm are almost all practicing in the world beyond the heavens. That's a special place, as the saying goes, one day in heaven is equivalent to one year on earth. It's precisely referring to the world beyond the heavens. My identity is rather unique, so I expect they will respond in kind. Before that, it should be safe here,"

Inside the Divine Realm, the Sacred Mother spoke to Lin Yun.

"Therefore, you should have a month's time. I understand that the resources of this star domain should be useful to you. Within this month, you can gather resources as much as possible before leaving." The Sacred Mother paused, then continued.

"I understand, thank you, Your Majesty," Lin Yun respectfully replied.