Chapter 459: Buying Robots Again


Even though Fang Ao believed that the other party's strength was significantly inferior to theirs, just in case, he teleported alone to Tianzhu Star to consult his subordinates.

Caution—this was his virtue, one which had allowed him to reach the position he was in now.

His followers on Tianzhu Star were just some Level 5 Cultivators, covert agents prepared for emergencies. They were outside the scope of Lin Yun's previous roundup, hence they were still free to send Fang Ao information.

"My Lord, you've finally returned!" Seeing Fang Ao appear before them, these men quickly kneeled and greeted him excitedly.

"My Lord, our planet has been taken over! Many of our elders and deacons have been killed, and many strong ones have been captured by them!" One individual said with tears streaming down his face.

"My Lord!!!"

"Please take action for us, My Lord!!!"

Around him, individuals started falling to their knees, bowing their heads deeply in respect.