Chapter 463: Opportunity?


Fang Ao's Domain Power and attack were instantly shattered, then a powerful force slammed into him. His body was sent flying backward like a cannonball.


With great difficulty, Fang Ao managed to stop his body in the starspace, but shortly after, he bends slightly forward, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

His chest was covered in blood, presenting a pitiful scene.

To think that he was severely injured after just one round of fighting.

"What? The gap is so large?"

Inside the battleship, upon seeing this scene, Lin Yun's eyes flashed, he muttered softly.

However, it didn't take long for Lin Yun to figure it out.

Generally, there was a large disparity between the initial and mid stages of each Major Realm, and the standard price of Yang One was ultimately 30 billion Spirit Crystals. This could buy three robots with the strength of a Level 10 Initial Martial Artist.

A price three times higher naturally corresponded to thrice the strength.