Chapter 465: Subdue

A Level-Ten Cultivator was decently powerful, his cleverness in finding an opportunity to strike back against a robot possessing a Mid-Term Realm Level-Ten Martial Artist's strength suggested he had noteworthy talents.

Perhaps out of reluctance, or perhaps pity, it felt wrong to let such a formidable character perish.

Of course, Lin Yun's current strength was comparable to that of average early to mid-Term Realm Level Nine.

At his current training speed, it wouldn't be long before he overtook the strength of a Level-Ten.

He was confident he could suppress this man.

At the same time, Lin Yun held the world in his heart.

By that time, he certainly wouldn't have only his current 180,000 soldiers.

No, just the people of Earth wouldn't suffice.

He would need people from other planets, from other civilizations.

If that was the case, then let his path of conquering the universe and subduing other spirits begin now.

"Can you save me?"