Chapter 513: Three Days After the Flower Blooms

"You're not overthinking it. According to Black Skeleton, that Star Beast is only in the initial phase of the tenth level. In that case, a cultivator at level ten already qualifies to fight for the Heavenly-luck Flower. Therefore, we cannot dismiss our competitors lightly," Lin Yun shook his head.

It was not rare for a weaker party to profit from the disputes among powerful ones during treasure hunting. If they started dismissing others due to their superior strength, they would be too arrogant.

"Your Majesty is correct," Fang Ao agreed, his tone full of respect.

At present, he held Lin Yun in the highest regard.

Despite being over three thousand years old and appearing very youthful with a promising future, compared to Lin Yun and his team, he was nothing.

Each time he progressed to the next stage, it took him centuries, didn't it?

And now?