Chapter 518: I Give You an Opportunity


A cold grunt echoed from the center of everyone's attack.


At the same time, a powerful Domain Power spread in all directions. All the attacks that entered this range dissipated as quickly as snow melting under the sun.


"Someone made it to the Heavenly-luck Flower!"

"Such speed!"

"Such powerful Domain Power!"

The powerful entities that had ventured part of the way were taken aback by the scene.

They all stopped in their tracks, looking ahead in disbelief and uncertainty.

Their senses told them that to proceed would bring great danger

Yes, the Heavenly-luck Flower was expensive, but trading their lives for it was a different matter altogether.

"Could it be...Domain Power of a level eleven entity?"

"It must be. His Domain Power is clearly more advanced than ours. It's a qualitative change. Moreover, he can resist attacks from so many powerful battleships, something we are all incapable of..."

"Level eleven entities!!!"