Chapter 584: Minor Tactics

Soon, Yi Chongtian began to arrange the auction for Lin Yun's Golden Essence Liquid. As Lin Yun had suggested, these items needed to be auctioned off as quickly as possible.

The order of many auction items had already been arranged. Although Lin Yun had just brought out the Golden Essence Liquid, it was not difficult for Yi Chongtian, the deputy captain of the law enforcement team, to add it to the auction.

It wasn't like all one hundred droplets of Golden Essence Liquid would be auctioned off at once, but rather, they would be sold off in batches.

Even so, this caused quite a stir.

"Lin Yun actually has this much Golden Essence Liquid?"

"Lin Yun traded Golden Essence Liquid with others exclusively on the Cosmic Trading System. I guessed that he might have a large amount of the liquid, and I was right…"

Some owners of the Cosmic Trading Systems murmured, feeling a sense of dread.