Chapter 616: Great Change

One day... two days... three days...

Time flew by day by day.

The battleship of the ninth-grade technological civilization was fast, but because this area was at the boundary of the eighth and ninth grade civilization star domains, which was quite special and didn't allow for spatial transposition, they couldn't reach the next checkpoint quickly.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

In this half a month, Lin Yun only managed to solidify his eleventh-grade peak state a little more, but he was still far from the twelfth-grade level.

This was a big hurdle, not so easy to break through.

"Brother Lin, we're in trouble!"

Suddenly, a communication request came from Bahu Ye's battleship. Lin Yun accepted it, and Bahu Ye's projection appeared before Lin Yun's eyes, looking very anxious.

"What happened?" Lin Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he asked subconsciously.