Chapter 626 Super Golden Essence Liquid

At the same time Nanweng was battling with Ouyang Zhanlei.

Lin Yun was nervously observing the terrifying Star Beast not far away. By now, he had confirmed that this Super Golden Beast had a significant connection with Little Gold.

However, the way this Super Golden Beast looked at Lin Yun and his companions was far from friendly.

If it hadn't been for Little Gold protecting them earlier, this Super Golden Beast might have slaughtered them all with one swipe of its claw.

Under these circumstances, how could Lin Yun not be anxious?



Two Golden Beasts roared at each other in the starry sky, and as they spoke in their beast language, they transmitted mental messages to each other.

Before long, the Super Golden Beast turned its head to look at Lin Yun, its cold, golden eyes softened slightly.