Chapter 642: Bleeding Heart

"One trillion Spirit Crystals? Senior Ao Hai, you're certainly big-hearted. Just earlier, when we clashed with others, Senior Ao Hai immediately compensated them with one trillion Spirit Crystals. And now, yet again, with a swift wave of your hand, another one trillion Spirit Crystals…" Lin Yun corner of Lin Yun's mouth curled into a faint smile as he spoke slowly.

In his words, it seemed as if he were praising Ao Hai, yet in reality, he was mocking him.

He was ridiculing the lack of generosity in Ao Hai's compensation. Bahu Ye, a powerful figure from an eight-level Civilization Star Domain and one who was in the latter part of the twelfth-level phase, was far from this half-step Super Warrior in terms of both power and status.

Previously, Bahu Ye was asked to compensate others with one trillion Spirit Crystals, and now, Ao Hai only compensated them the same amount.

Could the two of them even be compared?