Chapter 664: Make a Move!

It is often said, "don't hit the face when beating a man, don't expose secrets when criticizing people."

However, Xiao Chong's words had blatantly exposed too many faults.

Upon hearing Xiao Chong's remark, the Ironwood Ancestor's face immediately darkened.

"Good! Good! Good! Xiao Chong of the Xiao Family from the Arlen Galaxy? I've heard about you for a long time, but I never thought that your tongue is as sharp as your reputation suggests. Let me see if your abilities are as agile as your tongue!" The Ironwood Ancestor's gaze flashed coldly as he spoke solemnly.


As his words fell, a strong Domain Power surged from the Ironwood Ancestor, instantly suppressing Xiao Chong.

"Well, afraid of you?" Xiao Chong sneered and said.


Simultaneously, a powerful Domain Power burst from him to resist the pressure of the Ironwood Ancestor's Domain Power. Compared to the Ironwood Ancestor's domineering Domain Power, Xiao Chong's was much gentler.