Chapter 683: Seeing Nanweng Again


The attacks from both sides quickly collided, causing a dazzling explosion in the starry sky, similar to the most spectacular special effects in some Earth movies.

The blood-colored glow emitted by the blood-colored long knife obviously had the upper hand. Under that blood-colored glow, powerful defensive treasures and defense covers shattered one after another, breaking like bamboo and changing the expressions of Xiao Chong and others. All of them felt a tremendous increase in pressure.

"As expected of a Super Warrior, their last resort is also so powerful..."

Xiao Chong took a deep breath.

First, they killed Ironwood Ancestor, and then they had been fighting head-on with Gweah, a Super Warrior for so long. At that moment, Xiao Chong had to admit that his attitude was somewhat arrogant earlier. Every Super Warrior is not simple and ordinary cultivators mostly have a plan B, and even more so for a Super Warrior like this?