"Heh! It's just a Golden Beast cub that's newly ascended to the Super level. You're all making a big fuss over nothing!"

Just then, a chuckling voice rang out.


A ripple of space emerged, and a young man appeared in this space with two middle-aged men following him. The young man had a slight smile on his face, and judging by the aura exuding from him, he was the one who had just spoken.

"Envoy of the Immortal Origin Holy Land!"

"Black Dragon King!"

"Lord of All!"

Seeing these three, the faces of the six Super Warriors changed drastically, and they muttered under their breath.

"Lord Envoy! Lord Dragon King! Lord of All!"

Immediately, one of the Super Warriors squatted down and bowed ceremoniously towards these three super powers.

"Lord Envoy! Lord Dragon King! Lord of All!"

The other Super Warriors hastily followed suit, their voices full of respect.