I replied to Brooke that I would take it into account but my priority at that moment was not romance because what I wanted to do as soon as possible was to get my cousin away from the hyde. So the next day I decided to take a break and I didn't go to the library, instead I was in front of Enid and Wednesday's room. I needed to consult with someone who had experience what I should do about the matter of the appointment with Brooke.
- Enid: - She opened the door - Y/N! - she said trying to give me a hug that I dodged - I thought we had already overcome that barrier - she complained - What are you doing here? Aren't you going to the library today?
-Y/N: No, I wanted to come and hang out with Wenny today - I smiled.
-Wednesday: You can fuck off - she said from her desk as she was writing.
- Enid: Wends! You and Y/N are family, it's nice that you spend time together - she smiled - I would stay too if it wasn't because I had already agreed to meet Yoko to go shopping - she looked at me and came closer to whisper to me - But I'll see you in the evening for our practice.
-Y/N: - I nodded and smiled at her - Have a good time - I closed the door once Enid left - We need to talk.
-Wednesday: I thought you were busy acquiring that "wisdom" characteristic of the kitsune in the library - she turned her chair to look at me - Something must have happened for you to suddenly appear here asking to speak.
-Y/N: As sharp as ever cousin... - I walked over to sit on her bed - This is going to sound terribly disgusting and you might not want to answer me.
-Wednesday: You tempted me the moment you said it's disgusting - she crossed his arms - You have my attention, speak up.
-Y/N: How did you react when Tyler asked you on a date? - I said with the discomfort reflected on my face.
My cousin's face looked like a painting and I knew from the expression she had made that she didn't like the question I had just asked her at all. She just watched me in silence until she uncrossed her arms and freed Thing from the drawer in which he was locked. I waited patiently for her to be ready to give me an answer.
-Wednesday: A lot of things have happened to me in life and it's hard to surprise me, but let me tell you that you just did it - she stared at me - Are you interested in the romantic?
-Thing: "Is Y/N in love?"
-Y/N: It's not that I was interested, it's that the opportunity has suddenly come knocking at my door - I sighed - I don't know what is expected of me in such a situation - I looked at Wenny - I've been asked for a date.
-Wednesday: - she started nodding - It's a new kind of torture for you, I guess I should congratulate you or something like that.
-Thing: "Who is the lucky one?!"
-Wednesday: Does it matter? - she looked at Thing and then at me - Are you going to agree to go on that date?
-Y/N: I don't know, Brooke has told me that it's a no-pressure date - I shrugged - She just wants us to give each other a chance to get to know each other better.
- Wednesday: Brooke? - her gaze hardened - Why would you go on a date with that one? - she folded his arms again - Don't go.
-Y/N: Why not? She has said that it's nothing serious, that I don't have to worry or force anything. If it's just going out for a walk, I don't see the problem.
-Thing: "And what would happen to Enid? I thought she was the one who would have asked her out..."
- Wednesday: Shut up - she fulminated with the look at Thing - You come to ask for advice, and I tell you that the best thing is that you don't go. I don't think that girl is the one for you, if she was, you wouldn't have had to ask me because your animal instinct would have confirmed it to you.
-Y/N: What if my animal instinct is atrophied? My abilities are not developed enough to trust my instinct - I shook my head - I can't trust myself.
- Thing: "Y/N... Maybe it's best not to get involved with anyone romantically speaking, if you don't feel at ease... Focus on better as a kitsune if it makes you feel better"
-Wednesday: I hate to admit it, but Thing is right - she approached me - It's obvious that you doubt whether to go or not, so don't go. Go to study, train or whatever you kitsunes need to do. Forget about teen dramas, that's not our thing. Do you remember? - she smiled - We Addams have our own style.
-Y/N: You're right - I got up from her bed and stood in front of her - It's amazing that this was our first talk about these topics... But I feel much more relieved, thanks Wenny.
- Wednesday: - nodded - You're welcome, I hope you make the right decision.
-Thing: "In such a situation, normal people would give each other a hug now"
- Both of us: We would shoot a bullet in our heads first! - we killed him with our eyes.
-Y/N: Are you going to continue with your writing or do you want us to do something?
- Wednesday: To do something... What do you mean? - she smirked.
-Y/N: Let's go to the lake and play fetch animals?
- Wednesday: Dead or alive?
-Y/N: Doubt offends - I smiled - Whoever finds the best preserved corpse, wins.
-Wednesday: Fine, and whoever loses should be hung upside down until she passes out - she added.
-Y/N: Good plan, good plan - I said excited to play with Wenny again.
I returned from Jericho with Yoko just before dinner time. Time had flown by while we were shopping and I lacked self-control when it came to shopping. When I returned to my room, Wedns glared at me when she saw all the bags I was carrying, although it was going to be worse once she saw everything they contained.
-Enid: They were on sale so I had to take advantage - I showed her a blue and white striped sweater - Stripes are worn this season. You know?
-Wednesday: I don't know why you're showing me what you've bought if you know that if it depended on me I'd set fire to all those bags - she rolled her eyes - It's because of my color allergy, I already told you when we met.
-Enid: I knew you'd say that, so - I threw a black sweater at her - I thought you'd like it, although it has my own twist.
- Wednesday: The hood has cat ears - she looked at me seriously - Are you serious?
-Enid: You looked adorable during the Poe Cup, I couldn't resist - I smiled - By the way... How was the afternoon with Y/N? I have bought her one just like yours but in white - I turned in her direction waiting for an answer - Wends?
-Wednesday: We both went to play at the lake on the condition that the loser would be hung upside down until one of us passed out - she shrugged - I've hung her inside her closet.
-Enid: But what have you done animal? !! Do you know the health problems that this can cause?! - I dropped the bags running - How long has it been hanging?!
-Wednesday: First of all, I'm not going to consent to being called an "animal" by a werewolf - she crossed her arms - And secondly... An hour and a half or so?
- Enid: Wednesday! - I glared at her and ran towards Y/N and Yoko's room - Where is Y/N?!! - I said opening the door abruptly.
- Yoko. Hey! Next time, call before you come in... What if I was changing or-
I completely ignored her and opened the Y/N closet where she was effectively hanging upside down by her feet. To my surprise, Y/N was doing sit-ups upwards and didn't seem to be feeling bad at all. She had also created a small flame of will-o'-the-wisp that lit up the inside of the closet. I breathed a sigh of relief and then proceeded to release her... While I was doing it, I left a mental note that said "Never leave the Addams together and alone."
-Y/N: I almost beat my own record - she let out a giggle and arranged her clothes - How was the afternoon?
- Enid: No! No "how was the afternoon". What were you guys thinking about? !! Something serious could have happened to you, you could have even died... Do you know the effects of being upside down? - I tried to calm down - suffocation, increased blood pressure, numbness of the limbs, cerebral hemorrhage... You don't know how worried I was! - I hugged her and just then Wedns appeared - One thing I'm going to tell you... Let you know that this is the last time you will be alone! - I pointed them out - From now on I will keep my eyes on you to make sure that you do not play with your lives in this way.
-Wednesday: Everything was under control - she sighed - At the time I went to check that she was okay, the human body is much more resistant than it seems. Besides, she's not human, she's a kitsune - she shrugged - It's not easy to kill her.
-Y/N: Thank you - she smiled.
- Enid: That's not a compliment! - I growled - I don't know what I'm going to do with you - I shook my head.
- Yoko: Okay! - she clapped his hands - Since no one has died, everything is fine - she smiled - Are we going to have dinner? If I remember correctly, you have to give a little something to Y/N - he winked at me.
-Y/N: What is it about? - she approached me with curiosity.
-Enid: I'm not going to tell you, in fact I don't know if I'll give it to you later - I left the room and smiled when I noticed she was following me - It's your punishment for worrying me.
-Y/N: We were just playing - she stood at my height - Next time we will think about another type of penalty if that leaves you calmer - she smiled slightly and just our hands brushed.
-Enid: - I bit my lips and looked into her eyes - You better - I looked at her hand close to mine and finally decided to take it - Let's have dinner and go to fencing practice, maybe my anger will pass and I'll give you what I've brought you.
-T/N: Sounds good to me - she nodded and pulled me to walk faster.