The next day I woke up and took a shower afterwards before putting on my uniform and getting ready to start the day. I had to fight with Yoko to get her to stop bothering me with her multiple questions about what happened last night with Enid. According to her, it was obvious that we had been very close to each other because I reeked of the blonde's perfume, and it was true. But I wasn't going to go around touting that we had kissed, that was a personal thing.

- Yoko: Oh come on, tell me about it - she got down on her knees - Enid is my best friend, I'll end up finding out anyway.

-Y/N: I said no - I crossed my arms - Or maybe I'm asking you about what you do with Divina?

- Yoko: Do you want to know? - She smirked and moved her eyebrows repeatedly - I assure you that you will not look at me with the same eyes once you find out what I do with her...

-Y/N: Shut up, I don't want to know - I opened the door of my room - I don't want my ears to bleed or my brain to explode for imagining wrong things.

- Yoko: No one said I was going to tell you something intimate! - laughed - It seems to me that your hormones are starting to wake up, Y/N...

I couldn't deal with that conversation anymore so I left my room and headed to the cafeteria to get something to put in my mouth. I was calmly walking through the corridors when a hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbed my arm and pushed me towards the women's bathroom. I didn't understand anything, but I was reassured to see that the claws that were holding me were totally colorful.

-Y/N: Good morning, Enid - I smiled before turning and meeting her smile.

-Enid: Good morning - she smiled and tried to pounce on me but I pulled away - What's wrong?

- Y/N: It's just that... What are you doing now? - I raised my eyebrow confused - You are invading my personal space early at morning.

-Enid: It's normal if I want a good morning kiss, right? - she said making a funny face - Does it bother you? Don't you want to?

-Y/N: I don't know, I just thought we were going to take it easier... If we make kissing a habit, it will lose what makes it so special - I said, looking intently into her eyes.

-Enid: - nodded - You're right, we should reserve it for special occasions.

The blonde turned to open the bathroom door again but then I took her hand and cornered her against the wall while I bit my lip. What was I supposed to be doing? My breathing was agitated and my gaze was fixed on her eyes, then I lowered it to her lips and inevitably released a sly smile.

-Y/N: You know, I don't think a kiss just because is going to kill us.

I could see how Enid's pupils dilated and how her body received mine with total naturalness, I was millimeters away from her mouth and I couldn't contain myself. I kissed her pink lips with tranquility and dedication trying to enjoy all the sensations that that act was provoking me. Would Yoko have been right and my hormones would have woken up? I thought I had more self-control, but once I had tried Enid once... I found that she was simply irresistible and that I could not control the craving to feel her close.

-Enid: Wow - she said when we separated - It's a nice way to start the day - she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror - Although you've ruined my makeup...

-Y/N: You're the one who tempted me - I turned on a tap to wipe the lipstick that Enid had left on my lips with water - Don't look at me like that, I'm not going to go with pink lips because of you.

-Enid: Don't worry, I'll make sure to stain them again another time - she winked at me and proceeded to fix her makeup - But as you said before, we'll try to take things slow.

We left the bathroom pretending as if nothing had happened, and then we joined the rest of the group in the cafeteria for breakfast. I was busy trying to make sure Thing didn't steal some of my food when Brooke appeared out of nowhere approaching our table. Wednesday's face had "fuck off" written on the forehead, but the girl didn't seemed to be intimidated. On the contrary, she approached me with a smile and ignored the tense posture that Enid had acquired next to me.

- Brooke: Hi guys - she greeted - You can continue having breakfast in peace, I've come to talk to Y/N for a moment - she smiled.

-Wednesday: "Talking" is the new synonym for "annoying", I'll make a mental note to remember it - she looked at the girl badly - In case you haven't caught it, I'm kicking you out.

-Brooke: I can notice the hostility in your words, but I'm not afraid of you Addams - she smiled again - Y/N wouldn't let anything happen to me. Right?

I, who had been trying to keep my food to myself until then, looked up and realized that all eyes were on me. I swallowed thickly and smiled uncomfortably before getting up from my seat and seeing how Thing was getting on with my sandwich. I don't know why, the bastard doesn't even have a mouth, but anyway... I wanted to move away to talk to Brooke, but Enid held me by the wrist and looked at me with concern. I made a nod to reassure her and then she let me go.

We walked through the inner courtyard known as the pentagon and sat down at one of the tables that were located in front of the entrance to the library. To be honest, I knew perfectly well what Brooke wanted to talk to me about and although I had already made a decision, the conversation was going to be difficult anyway. I sat down in front of her and smiled waiting for her to start the talk.

- Brooke: I'm sorry for interrupting your breakfast, Y/N...

-Y/N: Don't worry, I wasn't very hungry either - I lied - I can always buy myself something later at the vending machine.

-Brooke: - she nodded - You didn't come to the library yesterday and I was afraid you wouldn't come again because of what I proposed to you the other day - she sighed and clasped her hands together nervously - I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, seriously. But I can't ignore my feelings, and even though it's selfish to insist on the matter again, I want to tell you again. Would you like to have a date with me? - she smiled sheepishly.

And there was that question again... I settled back in my seat and cleared my throat before I started to give her an answer. I wanted to use the appropriate words so as not to offend her and make her understand that I understood and appreciated her positive feelings towards me. But it was not an easy task and it took me a couple of minutes to start talking.

- Y/N: Brooke... - I tried to look into her eyes - You know that I am very grateful to you for all the help you have given me. Right? - the girl nodded and smiled - I think you are one of the few people I have considered my friend in this life, I am not good at all for personal relationships. So to hear your statement the other day, it was a huge surprise for me, something I didn't expect at all.

- Brooke: I thought I was being pretty obvious, I've hinted myself on several occasions - she let out a giggle.

-Y/N: - I smiled nervously and nodded - Sorry I didn't get the hints, I'm horrible for these things... - I coughed - I... I wanted to tell you that I value what you feel and do for me, I really do. But after reflecting on those feelings as well as my own deeply, I think that actually not-

-Brooke: Wait a minute, stop - she interrupted me - I think this conversation is going to take a negative direction and I don't know if I want to hear it - she faked a smile - You haven't tried to meet me personally, so I don't think you should reject me yet.

-Y/N: You see Brooke, there's no need to go on a date because I-

- Brooke: You know practically nothing about me - she interrupted me again - Do you know what my favorite food is? No, I don't know yours either. And do you know what my bedtime routine is? You don't know it either, we should sleep together to find out - she laughed nervously - Do you understand what I mean? You can't decide if you like me or not without first meeting me.

-Y/N: I know, you're absolutely right - she seemed to calm down when she heard that - But although I don't know you well at all, I've started to know myself a little better.

- Brooke: And what the fuck does that mean? - she frowned - That you don't want to go out with me because you don't know yourself yet?

-Y/N: - I nodded and pressed my lips together - Also, one of the discoveries I've made lately is that I've developed feelings towards someone else beyond my family... I'm not sure what that means yet, but I think I'll only be able to find out with her.

-Brooke: I knew, - she said without expression on his face, - It was about "her", from the very beginning it was like that. Your eyes were always fixed on her and no one else - she started nodding as if she was taking in what I was telling her - Y/N, you're going to regret this. No one is going to value you the way I do, you'll realize that later - she got up and went into the library.

I sighed with relief once the conversation was over, I felt as if I had been released from an enormously heavy burden. Although for the first time, I felt bad for hurting the feelings of an outsider. I was usually used to insulting and annoying those around me without contemplating how they might feel, that's how I had grown up with the Addams. But at that moment, I felt sorry to see Brooke leave like that. I had to be faithful to what I myself felt and follow my instinct that dictated me to stay with my she-wolf.