Just as we had imagined when we arrived at the ruined building we came across a hyde and a mysterious woman dressed in white. Tyler went straight towards the other hyde and they started a fierce battle while I ran towards the entrance of the building. The woman in white walked calmly to get in my way, it didn't look like she had any intentions of fighting.
- Woman: Are you the famous wolf girl? - said with a smug smile - Wow, I imagined you more intimidating.
-Enid: - I growled and transformed back into a human - Let me through.
- Woman: Do you want to come in? To do exactly what? - she crossed her arms.
-Enid: I know you have Y/N in there.
- Woman: And what if it is so? - she maintained her stance - Do you think you can rescue her?
- Enid: It's not that I believe it, it's that I'm going to do it - I ran determined and to my surprise she moved out of my way and let me in without further ado.
It was a dark place but somehow I got to a roofless area where daylight came in, right there was Y/N chained to the wall. And how could it be otherwise, Brooke turned out to be involved. I ran towards her but Y/N's voice made me stop completely.
- Enid: Are you okay? !! - I asked worried - I'm going to release you right now!
-Brooke: No, not while I'm here - she planted herself in front of Y/N - She can't belong to the both of us, give up and leave before a tragedy happens.
-Enid: Tragedy what's going to happen to you if you don't step aside - I pulled out my claws and fangs - Don't want to put this kitty to the test.
I was extremely weak, but even so I couldn't give in to the fatigue and take my eyes off Enid. I had to do whatever it took to make sure she left safely back to the academy. I squirmed between the chains again with no results, so I just limited myself to watching the discussion between the two girls.
- Brooke: Attack me if you want, soon you won't even be able to stand up.
-Enid: - she started coughing - Nothing is going to stop me from rescuing Y/N.
I noticed Enid's movements, they were getting heavier and clumsier as time went on. In addition, her cough was only getting worse and her face was turning a pale tone that was not healthy at all. I started looking around for the cause of her discomfort, I found nothing. I decided to close my eyes and use my nose to find some kind of gas or something, so I did find what I was looking for.
-Y/N: Enid you have to leave! The place is full of monkshood!
- Brooke: How do you know about that? - she looked at me confused.
-Y/N: Enid, go away... You wolves are extremely weak before this plant, it is very toxic for you - I said desperately - Not for nothing is it also known as Wolfsbane... Please get out of here as soon as possible.
- Enid: No! - she shouted back at me and approached the chains - You're coming from here with me, I can't spend one more night without you - she looked me intensely in the eyes - I need you, you have to come with me.
- Brooke: Don't go near her! - shouted to her in vain because Enid grabbed the chains and tried to free me from these - Idiot, you're going to dig your own grave by yourself... - she let out a giggle.
-Y/N: Enid, Enid, Enid - I said super worried - smoke is coming out of your hands!
- Enid: It doesn't matter - she mumbled - I have to free you.
-Y/N: Enid no, listen to me... You're weak because of the monkshood, and apparently these chains are silver, you can't fight your weakness - I looked into her eyes - Go without me, I'll manage somehow.
-Enid: No, you don't understand - she made an effort pulling the chains even though they were burning her - Y/N... I love you - she continued making strength to tear off the chains - It has had to go through a misfortune for... To realize what you mean to me.
-Y/N: That's why I'm asking you to leave, I don't want anything bad to happen to you - I kept insisting that she leave.
- Enid: Y/N, I'm going to tell you in an easy and concise way... The worst thing that can happen to a werewolf is to lose his predestined mate, his mate - she grabbed the chains tightly and began to pull these with everything - Understand that I'm not going to lose you, I'll die for you if necessary!
Brooke was paralyzed when she saw how the chains were starting to give way and I was getting free little by little. I was very worried about the state of Enid's hands in contact with the silver, so I transformed into my animal form and slipped through the first gap that the blonde could manage to create. I breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to her just in time to catch her as she was about to pass out.
-Meiko: Beautiful scene that we just witnessed - she smiled burlesquely as she found herself leaning against the door frame - Are you going somewhere, Y/N?
-Y/N: I'm going back to Nevermore with Enid - I said seriously - Get out of the way.
-Brooke: As if I'm going to allow you to do that - Brooke said next to her - You will stay here with us until we think it convenient.
I looked at Enid fainting in my arms and I carried her on my back ready to get out of that place anyway. I didn't care about having to face the one who was once my friend and my supposed mother, there was no way in the world I was going to let anything happen to Enid. I walked calmly towards them and just when I was in front of my mother I created a flame of willowfire big enough to engulf the blonde and me.
-Y/N: The will-o'-the-wisp is sacred, you can't touch it - I reminded her.
- Meiko: Oh... You mean that little flame shit that's all over you? - xhe let out a giggle - I can get rid of that with just one finger. That's how weak you are - she reminded me with a more serious face.
-Y/N: Shut up - I started walking between the two of them and in a mistake my mother tried to throw Enid away from me, so I put my arm in the middle and got a bite from her - Ahh! - Thing appeared out of Enid's backpack and punched my mom in the face allowing us a few seconds to run away.
I didn't think twice and started running through the forest without looking back, the first thing was to get Enid to safety and the rest didn't matter. It wasn't until moments later that I realized Tyler was running next to me. Where had that asshole come from? If necessary, I would face him the same. Or so I thought until the adrenaline ran out and my legs told me enough, I fell to the ground with Enid on my back.
-Y/N: Agh - I complained - I can't go on like this... I have to take a break - I hit the floor with my fist out of frustration.
-Tyler: We'll do one thing, I'll transform and I'll take you both to the entrance of the academy.
-Y/N: Hey, I don't know you or anything, but I know what you did to my cousin and Enid - I tried to get up - Trusting you is the last thing I would do right now - I said before Thing tugged at the bottom of my pants.
-Thing: "Tyler is under Wednesday's control, she owns him now" "Trust him, he will get us back safely"
-Y/N: - I raised my gaze to the guy who nodded his head by way of reply - Okay, take us to Nevermore please.