The next day in the morning, I got up earlier than Wednesday and got in the shower to wake up after what had happened the night before. I dried my hair with a towel to avoid making noise and not wake up my cousin, I assumed that if she was already in a bad mood, with a hangover she would be Mr. Satan himself. And the truth is, I didn't feel like provoking her, I had something much more important to do.

-Y/N: Please answer - I said waiting for the call to be answered - Enid?

-Enid: - yawned - Good morning... - she could barely open my eyes because of the dream - In the end you did call me - commented with a little smile.

-Y/N: - I nodded - We have to talk things out when something bothers us, if we don't... The only thing we will get is that our relationship suffers, and I want to preserve it in the best possible state - I said in a gentle tone.

-Enid: - she sighed and then smiled - Now I feel terrible having criticized you so much during my talk with Yoko, I really can't hate you - she let out a giggle - I knew that not having called me would have a logical explanation, but I ended up getting annoyed anyway. Will you forgive me? - she pouted with his lips.

-Y/N: - I slunk down into my desk chair and covered half of my face with my sweater to hide the goofy smile that had just formed on me - Don't pout like that, you're not a little pup.

-Enid: But you love it when I do it, I know - she smiled shyly - In fact, I would say that right now you are covering your face on purpose. You're melting down before me. Isn't that right, Addams?

-Y/N: No at all - I didn't sound convincing at all but I uncovered my face and sat up straight - But it's true, I love you.

Maybe that last one was said too directly and spontaneously because the silence was the only thing that was heard for a few seconds. It wasn't until Enid started laughing shyly while covering her face that I was able to relax and laugh with her. For a moment I thought that I had said something wrong or that maybe my ways had not been the best.

- Enid: Damn Addams! - she complained as she rolled on her bed - You can't tell me such things knowing that we are not in front of each other to face the consequences.

-Y/N: What consequences are you referring to? - I smirked when I imagined what the wolf wanted to say.

-Enid: You know perfectly well, don't play me the innocent we already know each other - she made a funny face before smiling at me - Well... Now that we're back to business as usual. Shall we talk about what's been going on these last few weeks?

-Y/N: Sure - I smiled and nodded - Has anything new happened over there?

- Enid: Hmmm, my parents ask about you a lot - she said embarrassed - They are old-fashioned people, they believe that couples should stay together no matter the time or the situation. So they've been bugging me asking me to bring you to San Francisco with us, I might as well go to New Jersey but... My dad is not amused that his "girl" is out there unsupervised - she shrugged his shoulders.

-Y/N: I like your parents - I smiled broadly - I wouldn't mind making the effort to move to San Francisco if so I can be with you.

- Enid: What are you waiting for then? - she let out a giggle - My bed is big, we don't even need to prepare a room for you, we would share mine.

-Y/N: I'd be fine, if it weren't for the fact that I've been totally out of control at night - I said something serious - I can't leave New Jersey right now.

- Enid: Out of control in what way?

-Y/N: At night I've been sneaking out of the Addams Mansion to destroy the high school, library, city hall,... The list is long, but I think you can get an idea of the chaos that reigns right now - I sighed - And according to Sadie, my eyes have been changing color and have turned red like my mother's. As if I were a yako kitsune!

- Enid: Those are the bad guys, right? - she said worried - But are you all right? Don't you feel anything strange in your body or anything?

- Y/N: No... I just go to sleep and the next day a new place appears trashed - I shrugged my shoulders - This afternoon I will go to the Sink's house and ask an expert for advice.

- Enid: Who are the Sink? - She cleared her throat - I'm not trying to be controlling nor am I a toxic girlfriend for the record. I just want to know who is around you to be aware of your day-to-day - she smiled.

-Y/N: Sadie Sink together with Madison Ziegler, they are Brooke's best friends - I made a brief pause - Sadie has turned out to be a kitsune just like me, and Maddie... - I approached the camera and spoke in a whisper - It's the girl Wednesday was making out with at the party yesterday.

- Enid: It can't be! - she said surprised - Do you have photos or any evidence?! Because until I see it, I won't believe it - she said excitedly.

-Y/N: It's funny that you are more impressed by my cousin being a homosexual than a random girl being a kitsune like me - I laughed - But yes, I have a photo. I'll send it to you later - I said malicious.

- Enid: - she nodded - And well... Are you going to that girl's house? - she asked somewhat uncertainly - Will you go with Wednesday or is it just a thing between kitsunes?

-Y/N: Well, I don't know, I've never seen Wedns with hangover... If I see that she's too irritable, I'll leave her at home and go alone - I cleared my throat - But you don't have to worry, Sadie is just one... Friend.

- Enid: Sure, a friend - she repeated - Jeez, I don't want to sound like someone jealous - she pouted again - But Brooke started out being a friend and then look what happened. I would give anything to accompany you to that girl's house this afternoon.

-Y/N: Enid - I got her attention seriously - Sadie is very homosexual, but she's after a certain girl called Millie - I shrugged my shoulders - You don't have to worry, just like lycanthropes, when a kitsune chooses his life partner, he stays faithful until the end - I said proudly - And if for whatever reason, which I highly doubt, the redhead tries something with me - I raised my arm - I'll show her the mark you left on me.

-Enid: - she smiled broadly - Will you show her our bond?

-Y/N: - I nodded - Besides, Sadie is sick of hearing me talk about you... She knows perfectly well that she has no chance with me, neither she nor anyone else.

-Enid: Addams - she smiled.

- Y/N: Yes, Sinclair? - I decided to play along.

-Enid: You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now - she commented with a more serious expression.

-Y/N: The feeling is incredibly mutual - I smiled - But we have to endure a little longer, at least until I solve my strange night behavior.

-Enid: - she nodded - Take it easy so you don't get hurt, if necessary I would wait for you until the last day when the moon shines - she smiled.

-Y/N: You know that for that to happen, it would be the sun that would have to stop shining first. Right? - I smiled.

- Enid: Did you have to take on romanticism in such a cold and cruel way? - she let out a giggle.

-Y/N: Sorry, being smart is part of the nature of a kitsune - I defended myself - But just so you know, I won't keep you waiting too long. Basically because even I wouldn't be able to do it myself, I need to feel you next to me, to be able to smell you, to be able to touch you, to touch you... - I sighed trying to calm down - To be able to do everything to you, Sinclair.

- Enid: No one is stopping you from getting away some weekend - she smirked but quickly changed her expression when someone entered her room - Dad! - she complained - I told you to knock on the door before entering! - she looked at me - Y/N I have to hang up, my dad just came in and... Sorry, I wish I could keep chatting.

-Y/N: Don't worry, I'll call you back - I smiled and hit hang up heavily in my hands - Agh... I wanted to keep talking to her - I said leaning back in the chair and letting myself slip.