Dinner and Drinks

Olivia pulled away suddenly. "What am I doing?" she thought. "I've let my guard down on my first day here - what must he think of me?

"Ethan," she said, "I'm really not that kind of person."

Ethan looked at her, his eyes filled with a twinkle that seemed to tell her he didn't mind in the slightest.

He remained close to her and said, "And what kind of person is that?"

"The one who kisses her boss on the first day of work!" she whispered. "I've only ever been in one relationship. I don't do this."

Ethan's face softened as if in understanding. He didn't push her away. He didn't judge her. Instead, he nodded and stepped back, giving her a respectful distance. She liked him even more for it.


Damn it! Olivia's lips had tasted so sweet, making him taste their juices even after they were gone. He could almost still taste their heat, the tingle of their passage across his lips. But when I look at her, he thought, I can't help but see the vulnerability in her eyes. What was I thinking? I know she's just recently divorced and not ready for this. But when I saw her in that tight skirt, I couldn't help but want her. I can't do this to her. She needs time to recover, to heal, to find her space. I can't give her more; she deserves so much more.

Ethan stepped away from Olivia, his heart heavy with regret. He couldn't believe he had acted impulsively, kissing her without warning or consent. He knew he had crossed a line and was filled with self-reproach.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice filled with remorse. "I shouldn't have been so forward."

As he looked into Olivia's eyes, he saw a mixture of emotions. Her smile of gratitude touched him, and he realized that she wasn't reacting with anger or discomfort, which only made him feel more ashamed of his actions.

"It's okay," she said softly, soothing his troubled conscience. "Apology accepted."

Ethan searched her eyes for a moment, sensing her forgiveness but also aware of the awkwardness of the situation. He needed to address it further.

"Olivia," he began, his tone earnest, "you are an amazing woman, and I should have respected that from the beginning. Let's forget this ever happened and go back to being professional."

Olivia nodded in agreement, and he saw in her eyes that she shared his desire to move past this moment. As she left, he couldn't help but watch her go, his thoughts consumed by the memory of their brief, impulsive connection. He knew he needed to be more careful in the future, especially when it came to Olivia, who had already been through so much.

However, as the days passed, he found resisting the pull towards her more challenging. He knew he had made a mistake by kissing her, but it had awakened a desire within him that he couldn't ignore. He found himself looking for ways to be in the same room and admiring how her hair fell just so and the curve of her hips as she walked away.

He knew it was wrong - he had promised to be professional - but he couldn't help how he felt. She was mesmerizing to him, yet she seemed frightened of her shadow and actively tried not to notice him. He thought to himself, I'd better do something about that. She needs to have tougher skin if she wants to survive in this world.

On Friday, Ethan decided to take matters into his own hands. She had made it to the end of her first week, and they would be on holiday break after today. As he walked past Olivia's desk, he couldn't help but notice the way her hair shimmered in the light. He slowed down and smiled at her while she pretended to be busy with her work.

He leaned closer and whispered, "How about we grab dinner and drinks after work today?"

Olivia looked up, surprised. "I don't think that's a good idea," she said, biting her lip.

"Why not?" Ethan asked, his voice soft.

Olivia hesitated, looking at him with fear and desire in her eyes. "I just don't want to make things complicated."

Ethan leaned even closer, his lips almost touching her ear. "Complicated can be fun," he murmured.

Olivia felt her heart beating faster as she imagined herself in Ethan's arms, his lips on hers. Her heart began to race. She knew it was a bad idea, but the temptation was too strong to resist.

"Okay," she said, her voice barely audible.

"That's my girl," Ethan grinned as he walked away triumphantly.

His day had just taken a turn for the better. He couldn't wait to have Olivia all to himself, to learn more about the woman who had unexpectedly entered his life and stirred something within him that he hadn't felt in a long time.


Olivia couldn't believe she had just accepted the invitation. She cursed herself for being so weak and not refusing upfront. All she could think about was how awkward the night could be if she didn't act professionally. She gathered her courage and decided to commit to the evening. This could give her a chance to know Ethan better. He was family, after all.

As Olivia exited the building, she couldn't help but notice the sleek, black sports car waiting for her at the curb. It was a stunning, jet-black Porsche 911 Turbo. The car exuded luxury and power, and it was clear that Ethan had a taste for the finer things in life. She nervously approached the car, and Ethan stepped out to open the door for her with a charming smile.

Like its owner, Olivia couldn't deny that the vehicle had an undeniable allure. The inside of Ethan's sports car was all black leather, the seats were soft and worn, and the dashboard was a cluster of flawless gauges and switches. She climbed into the plush leather seat, and the engine purred to life, signaling the beginning of a night filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Olivia noticed his muscular arms, exposed from the rolled-up sleeves in his shirt. The tan skin, smooth and soft, highlighted his strong features, narrow jaw, and perfectly straight nose. Olivia's trembling hands were a light shade of pink. Ever the gentleman, Ethan noticed Olivia's nervousness and gently grasped her cold hands. Her breath caught in her throat at his touch, and she couldn't help but gasp softly. His warm, reassuring hold sent a shiver down her spine, but it was comforting. His calloused fingertips were rough but not unpleasant. He grasped her like an old friend, reassuring her she was safe.

"It's okay, Olivia," he said soothingly. "We're just going for dinner and drinks; there's nothing to be nervous about. Your hands are freezing; let me turn up the heat for you."

With practiced ease, he adjusted the climate controls in the car, allowing warm air to circulate around them. Olivia felt more at ease as the car became a cocoon of warmth and comfort.