My Man

Olivia couldn't contain her curiosity as she looked at Ethan. "So," she began, "I'm dying to know what happened on the trip! Were you able to get the contract? Did Barbara behave herself?"

Ethan chuckled, appreciating her curiosity. "Yes, I was able to close the deal, and it's going to bring in a lot of revenue for the company," he confirmed. "But as for Barbie..."

Olivia playfully slapped his arm and corrected him, "Ethan, her name is Barbara."

Ethan smiled, his eyes dancing with mischief, and continued, "As I was saying, as for Barbie, she was not exactly the model citizen."

Olivia couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh, of course not," she said teasingly.

Ethan seemed somewhat taken aback. "You're laughing about it? Aren't you even a little jealous that I spent days with a woman who was pursuing me?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of playful challenge.

Olivia thought for a moment, then gave him an exaggerated sigh. "Where is she? Where is that woman who tried to move in on my man!" she exclaimed dramatically. She was met with Ethan's earnest gaze, and for a moment, she wasn't sure where he was going with this.

Ethan leaned closer to her and repeated, "Say it again."

Olivia, now thoroughly intrigued, played along, "Say what, that you're my man, Ethan?"

Ethan's eyes softened as he stepped closer and replied, "Exactly."

Olivia's heart fluttered at his words and the intensity in his eyes. Her playful demeanor faded as she realized the depth of his feelings. "Ethan, she blushed lightly under his intense gaze, finish the story."

He grabbed her hand and led her to the dining room. Ethan looked pleased with himself as he watched Olivia's reaction to his elaborate dinner setup. The table was adorned with elegant flatware, fine china, and crystal glasses that sparkled in the soft candlelight. The room was bathed in a warm and inviting ambiance, and the mellow notes of classical music played in the background, adding to the romantic atmosphere.

The centerpiece was a vase of fresh flowers, and the entire setting exuded a sense of class and luxury that Olivia found enchanting.

Olivia couldn't help but admire the delicious spread that awaited them as they sat down. The aroma of freshly baked lasagna wafted from the serving dish, with layers of tender pasta, savory tomato sauce, and a rich combination of cheeses. The salad was a vibrant mix of fresh greens, ripe tomatoes, and crisp cucumbers, drizzled with a zesty vinaigrette dressing.

"Ethan!" she exclaimed. "Did you do all of this?"

Ethan chuckled once more, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, maybe I had some help from the kitchen staff."

Olivia was thoroughly impressed. "This looks amazing," she said, taking a bite of the salad.

As they began to enjoy their meal, Olivia couldn't help but bring up Barbara again. "So, Barbara," she began, with a hint of disdain in her voice.

Ethan leaned forward and responded, "Yes, Barbara. She did everything she could to get close to me. Trying to sit by me on the plane. Showing up at my door late at night in hardly anything, wanting to borrow toothpaste."

At the mention of Barbara's audacious moves, Olivia felt a mixture of anger and insecurity rising within her. Her eyes briefly met Ethan's, and she knew he was aware of her reaction. Yet, rather than causing a rift between them, it seemed to add a thrilling spark to their connection.

Ethan thoroughly enjoyed the spark of jealousy that danced across Olivia's expressive face. Their relationship might not have been officially defined, but there was something tantalizing about witnessing the signs that she saw him as hers. Smiling at her, he continued with the story while they enjoyed the cozy ambiance setting the stage for their conversation.

"Barbara is indeed excellent at her job, which is why I allowed her to join me on this trip," Ethan explained, his tone marked by a sense of intrigue. He picked up a fork and began cutting into the lasagna, savoring each bite. "During a conversation with Michael, the East Coast ad exec, I stumbled upon some interesting information. It appears that Barbara was the one who manipulated the meeting date. Deliberately, I believe, to undermine you."

Olivia's anger flared at this revelation. She took her career seriously, and office politics were one thing, but sabotaging a significant account crossed a line. Ethan could sense her frustration and reached across the table to grasp her hand, reassuringly calming her.

"I know," he continued, "but she's not getting away with it. You'll be pleased to know I might have devised a little punishment for her." A mischievous chuckle escaped him. "It turns out Michael has a bit of a crush on her, and she can't stand him. So, she's stuck there for the next few weeks, ensuring all the paperwork for the deal is in order."

Olivia couldn't help but laugh at Ethan's cunning plan. "You sly devil," she said, amusement dancing in her eyes. "I must say, I quite like the way you think." She sipped her wine, the warmth of the moment creating a unique connection between them. Their eyes locked in a magnetic gaze, the intensity of their connection tangible. Olivia could feel the temperature in the room rising, a mixture of nervous anticipation and smoldering desire. A small, seductive smile danced on her lips.

Ethan's voice was low and husky as he confessed, "Olivia, I like everything about you." The words hung in the air, loaded with the promise of unspoken desires. Olivia's heart raced, and her fingers traced the rim of her wine glass as she took a slow, trembling sip.

She whispered his name like a sweet, secret confession, saying, "Ethan, I like everything about you too. I want to know everything about you."

He leaned closer, his eyes never leaving hers, and boldly proposed, "Well then, I believe it might be time for some dessert."

The moment was charged with an irresistible magnetism. Olivia's heart quickened as she contemplated what that dessert might entail, knowing that her feelings for Ethan had reached a new level. She was eager to explore the uncharted territory ahead.