Ethan's Playful Charade

It was a restless night for Olivia. She woke up thinking back to the pleasure Ethan had brought her at dinner. She wanted to throw caution to the wind and seal the deal with Ethan, but something inside her was holding her back. She tried to shake off these thoughts as she got into the shower.

The hot water felt like a healing balm against her skin, washing away the evening's events and cleansing her body of any worries or doubts lingering in her mind. But halfway through her shower, the water began to turn cold, sending shivers down her spine. She knew she would need to call the superintendent again.

With a sigh of frustration, Olivia exited the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. After getting dressed in comfy loungewear, she made a cup of tea and settled on the couch with a blanket over her shoulders. She opened a book and started reading, hoping it would help remove some of her anxious thoughts about Ethan.

As Olivia read, she found herself imagining what it would be like to really be with him - how his lips would feel against hers, how his hands would move over every inch of her body, how it would feel when he finally took her completely...all those thoughts ran rampant in Olivia's mind. She clearly could not concentrate on this book. Her thoughts drifted back to how the hot water had failed her once again. With a sigh, she contacted the building's superintendent's office, hoping to resolve the issue finally.

Around half an hour later, she was surprised by a knock on her door. She had been anticipating Drew, but instead, she was face to face with a short, balding man who introduced himself with an amiable smile.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Sam, the building superintendent, and I've come to take another look at your water heater," Sam announced in a genial tone.

Slightly startled, Olivia inquired, "What happened to Drew?"

Sam cleared his throat with a hint of awkwardness and replied, "Well, Mr. Jameson asked me to handle this personally."

A soft chuckle escaped Olivia's lips. She couldn't help but find the situation amusing. It was clear that Ethan's possessiveness had played a part in this decision, as he wasn't particularly thrilled about the presence of Drew in her apartment during the previous visit.

"Oh, he did, did he?" she replied to Sam with a knowing grin. Olivia was entertained by Ethan's protectiveness over her, a testament to the depth of his feelings. "You know where to find it, Sam. Please take a look and see if it can be fixed."

"Right away, ma'am," Sam replied.

Olivia's thoughts were pulled away as her phone suddenly rang. Her lips curled in a smile as she saw that it was her mother, Mary, calling. Mary had a special request. She wanted to invite Olivia, Ethan, and Logan for dinner that evening. She and Richard would depart on their trip the following day, and Mary wanted a memorable family gathering before they left. Olivia's heart warmed at the thought of her mom's delicious home-cooked meal and some cherished family moments.

However, Olivia's expression changed, reflecting hesitancy. The wheels in her mind were turning as she considered the idea of coming clean to her parents about the new direction she and Ethan's relationship was taking. They had reached a point where their connection was undeniable, and she was pondering the possibility of being honest with them, sparing them from hidden surprises should their relationship take a different turn. Olivia knew this step would mean vulnerability, but she also knew it was time to embrace the truth.

After her conversation with Mary, Olivia was startled by a knock at her door. She swung it open to find Ethan looking utterly charming in the morning light. Seeing him at her doorstep was becoming a delightful habit she could certainly get used to.

"Come in," she invited with a warm smile. Ethan entered, and with a smirk, he leaned down to kiss her forehead tenderly.

"Good morning, beautiful," he greeted her, making her heart skip a beat.

Ethan had brought pastries and coffee, and Olivia couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. "My hero," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with affection as he made himself at home.

As they settled in, Olivia decided it was a good time to share some interesting news. "So, Ethan," she began, "you should know that Sam, the superintendent, is taking another look at my water heater since it appears to have gone out again."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, pretending innocence. "Oh, really?"

"Yes," she replied smugly, "and it seems he had to come because Drew was unavailable."

Ethan continued to feign ignorance, knowing fully well that he had orchestrated this change to keep Drew away from Olivia. His subtle actions were motivated by his possessive feelings, but he kept that part to himself. Instead, he responded casually, "Oh, is that so?"

Olivia couldn't help but laugh at Ethan's playful charade. "Cut the crap, Ethan," she said with a grin, "I know you purposely don't want Drew to come into my apartment again."

Ethan's response was direct and intense as he locked eyes with her. "So what if I don't?" he stated confidently, the intensity in his gaze reflecting his possessive feelings. "I can't be dangling candy in front of my girl. Hell, no!"

Olivia let out an exasperated sigh, teasingly exclaiming, "Oh my God, you are so possessive."

Ethan leaned in, his lips meeting hers for a passionate kiss, expressing his ownership in a way that thrilled her. "You have no idea," he murmured.

Just then, Sam reappeared, clearing his throat to announce his presence.

"Excuse me, ma'am, but it seems that a temporary fix won't work. I don't think ordering a new part will do. I will have to order a new water heater for you. This one has seen better days."

Ethan, always quick on his feet, seized the opportunity to extend the ruse. "Well, that's too bad, Sam," he lamented with a tone of resignation. "I know these things could take a while to come in."

Subtly, Ethan attempted to communicate with Sam, making gestures to signal him to play along. Sam, understanding Ethan's intentions, responded in kind. "Yes, sir," he replied, falling into step with the act. "Maybe a couple of weeks?"

"Two weeks!" Olivia exclaimed, aghast. "What am I going to do without hot water for two weeks? This is most inconvenient."

Ethan grinned, finding it hard to contain his amusement. "Well," he suggested with a chuckle, "I happen to know someone who lives upstairs who might take you in for a bit."

His playful remark indicated that he was volunteering his place. "Thank you, Sam," Ethan dismissed him with a nod. "Let me know when it comes in, and we can take care of it."

Sam responded respectfully, "Yes, sir, Mr. Jameson."

As Olivia slumped down on the couch, the implications of two weeks without hot water sinking in, she sighed. "Two weeks, Ethan? I can't stay with you for that long."

Ethan assured her, "It's fine; I really don't mind. Take all the time you need to think about it."

She contemplated the offer, weighing the idea of spending more time with him. Meanwhile, Ethan couldn't help but fantasize about having her around constantly, from morning greetings to goodnight kisses. The possibility excited him, and he hoped Olivia would agree.

Curiosity got the best of her, and she asked, "How is it that you know Sam so well?"

Ethan hesitated for a moment, considering whether to share the truth. Ultimately, he decided that honesty was the best policy. In a soft whisper, he admitted, "I might own the whole building."

Olivia, taken aback by the revelation, exclaimed, "What?" Her shock quickly transformed into amusement, and she laughed incredulously. "He owns the whole building," she repeated, realizing the extent of Ethan's wealth. "Of course he does."