Out in the Open

Richard sat at his desk, carefully lighting his cigar while studying Ethan with an unyielding gaze. Ethan, in turn, displayed patience, understanding that his father needed to express his concerns. After a prolonged silence, Richard finally began, "Ethan, this situation is rather unorthodox. I understand you and Olivia are not blood-related, but I am married to her mother. If your relationship with Olivia were to go sour, it could place our family in a very awkward position. I'm uncertain about how I feel regarding this."

Ethan listened attentively, knowing that his father's opinion held significant weight in the family. He considered Richard's concerns, especially regarding Olivia's recent divorce. "Are you serious about this?" Richard pressed, seeking assurance.

Ethan took a deep breath before responding, "Dad, I can't emphasize enough how much Olivia means to me. When I'm with her, she's all I see; when I'm apart from her, she's all I can think about. These feelings are intense, and honestly, they scare me. But I'm all in, and there's no turning back. I understand that I've been intense at times, so I've planned to give her the space she needs to navigate her feelings. I promise you, Dad, I have the best intentions toward her."

The sincerity in Ethan's words didn't escape Richard's notice. He sighed and nodded in reluctant approval. "Very well," he said with a shake of his head, "but understand this, Ethan. If you ever hurt Olivia, you'll answer to me, regardless of your age. You're never too old for me to kick your ass."

Ethan chuckled but retained his earnest demeanor. "I know, Dad and I would never want to disappoint you." He meant every word, determined to do whatever it took to keep Olivia happy and ensure that his relationship with her remained solid and meaningful.

As they gathered in the living room for dessert, Olivia couldn't help but notice how clingy Ethan had become. He was trying to get close to her, reaching for her hand, and it felt a little awkward, but at least the truth was out in the open.

Logan, ever the curious one, turned to Olivia and asked, "So, Olivia, tell me about your friend Jenna. She seemed out of it when I gave her a ride home, but that's one redhead I'd like to get to know better."

Olivia couldn't help but smile at Logan's interest. "Jenna is one of the best people I know," she replied. "I think I can arrange something for you two to meet again."

Logan winked at her and said, "I'd like that very much."

As the night ended, they all bid farewell to Mary and Richard, wishing them a fantastic trip. Mary handed her keys to Olivia and asked if she could water her plants a few times during the week, to which Olivia readily agreed. The evening had been filled with announcements, surprises, and shared moments, and Olivia couldn't help but feel that things were shifting in unexpected yet exciting ways.

As Olivia arrived back at her apartment, she realized she still had no hot water. She sighed, contemplating her options. Staying with Ethan was out of the question, she thought. While she could stay at her mom's house until the new water heater was installed, it wasn't close to her workplace, and the daily commute would be a hassle. So, she resigned herself to the idea of enduring cold showers for the time being.

Just as she was mentally preparing for her chilly shower, her phone buzzed with a text message from Ethan. "Hey, beautiful," it read, "I just got out of a long hot shower. The steam felt so amazing. I have plenty of hot water if you so desire."

Olivia couldn't help but laugh out loud at the irony. It seemed that the universe conspired to make her life more interesting than she had planned.

She typed a quick reply, thanking him for the offer but declining it nonetheless. She was grateful for Ethan's kindness but didn't want to impose on him any further. She could handle a few days without hot water, after all.

As she stepped under the frigid streams of water, she couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably. Her skin felt like it was on fire as the icy water pelted against it. She knew she couldn't take it for long and quickly washed off the soap and shampoo, trying to make the best of the situation.

As she stepped out of the shower, she wrapped herself in a warm towel, trying to shake off the cold. Olivia changed into warm pajamas and settled onto her couch, resting her head on the armrest. She began to think back about dinner at Ethan's house and the events that had followed it. Her cheeks flushed red as she remembered how his hands had moved on her body and made her feel things she'd never felt before. The sensations were thrilling, yet strange. They were almost wrong, but they also felt so right. She knew she would have sweet dreams tonight.