Mountain Retreat

The trip to Colorado was nothing short of thrilling as the car whisked Olivia and Jenna away, delivering them to a private airport where Ethan and Logan awaited them. The men looked like Greek gods, eliciting a shared, silent glance between the girls. Each one marveled at the fortune of spending time with such striking individuals.

"Of course, you have a private plane," Olivia remarked, a mixture of awe and playfulness in her tone as Ethan smirked in response. "Only the best for my girl," he replied with a wink, making Olivia's heart flutter.

Logan, in his usual casual and friendly manner, greeted Jenna enthusiastically. "Hey Jenna, welcome to the party!"

Jenna smiled at Logan's warmth. "Thanks, Logan! I'm excited to be part of this adventure."

As they boarded the plane, Olivia couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude and excitement. The trip was already shaping up to be an unforgettable experience, and they hadn't even touched down in Colorado yet. The anticipation of what lay ahead, both in terms of the breathtaking snowy landscapes and the company she was in, filled Olivia with a sense of joy.

Once they arrived, Olivia was surprised to see a large truck waiting for them. "We are driving this?" she asked.

Logan grabbed the keys and commented with a grin, "Well, you need to have a 4x4 to maneuver these mountainous and snowy roads. I can't wait to drive this baby!" Ethan sighed as he knew Logan was always up for an adventure. 

They loaded their luggage into the covered bed and began their journey. As they ascended through the winding roads to their mountain retreat, Olivia was captivated by the breathtaking scenery that unfolded before her. Majestic mountains stood tall and proud, their peaks adorned with glistening blankets of snow that sparkled like diamonds under the clear, azure sky. The air was crisp and refreshing, carrying the pure scent of pine from the dense evergreen forests that blanketed the slopes.

The mountains embraced them with a serene silence, broken only by the occasional whisper of the wind as it danced through the branches. In the distance, a river snaked its way through the valley, reflecting the soft hues of the setting sun. Olivia felt a profound sense of peace as she took in the untouched beauty of nature.

The landscape, painted in various shades of white and blue, was a symphony of tranquility and grandeur. A panorama of snow-capped peaks stretched to the horizon, creating a postcard-perfect view that seemed almost surreal. The beauty of the mountains, combined with the crisp mountain air, filled Olivia with a sense of awe and wonder, making her grateful for the opportunity to experience such natural splendor. Even though Jenna had been to the mountains growing up, she too was inspired by what she saw and the view never got old.

Olivia expressed her amazement as they entered the home in the mountains. "Ethan!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening as they entered the splendid residence. "This home is absolutely breathtaking. However, did you find it? Was it through a rental site?"

Logan seized the perfect opportunity to tease his brother. "Yeah, Ethan, how did you find the place?" Ethan began to blush lightly and intrigued, Olivia awaited his response. 

"Well," he said to Olivia, "when I found out how excited you were about the snow, I thought buying a vacation home would be a good idea. I have a friend in real estate, and he helped me snag a good deal."

Olivia was dumbfounded, while Logan laughed. "Ethan, are you serious?"

Ethan, still blushing, replied with sincerity, "Yes, I just closed on it last week. I wanted our first trip to the mountains to be unforgettable."

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, "You bought a vacation home?" she asked, her voice filled with shock and excitement.

Ethan nodded, a proud smile playing on his lips. "I wanted to make this trip special for you, and what's more special than having a place of our own in the mountains? A little spontaneous, but I hope you like it."

Logan chimed in, "See, Liv, I told you he had a soft spot for you. Buying a house is practically shouting it from the mountaintops."

Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Ethan, this is incredible!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. She gave him a quick hug, and he whispered in her ear, "Anything for you, love."

Olivia's eyes widened at the breathtaking view as she looked out the window. The home was adorned with rustic charm and nestled perfectly in the snowy embrace of the mountains. Large windows framed scenes of snow-covered peaks and towering pines, creating a winter wonderland that felt straight out of a fairytale.

Logan chuckled, breaking the spell of awe. "Well, he did more than buy a house; he orchestrated a fairy tale for you."

Olivia couldn't stop smiling. "It's like a dream," she said, taking in the beauty around her. 

Olivia and Jenna squealed with delight as they took a tour of the house. Spread across three stories, the lower level featured two bedrooms and a separate living area, perfect for privacy and relaxation. Ascending to the second floor, they discovered a spacious kitchen and living area, ideal for gatherings and shared moments.

However, it was the third level that left them in awe. The luxurious main suite awaited, complete with a balcony boasting a hot tub. Olivia's eyes widened with excitement as she envisioned relaxing evenings under the starlit sky, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains. The thoughtful design of the house catered perfectly to their desire for both individual space and shared experiences. It was a mountain retreat beyond their wildest dreams.

Jenna eagerly called dibs on one of the rooms on the lower level, and Logan promptly claimed the one across the hall. Olivia shot a playful look at Ethan, who wore a sly expression.

"I guess that means you'll need to stay with me," she teased, catching onto his plan. Ethan, feigning innocence, replied, "Well, how convenient," with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Although their relationship had been progressing swiftly, Olivia looked forward to the chance to grow even closer over the next few days.

Once everyone settled into their chosen rooms, they reconvened in the living room. Ethan explained that he and Logan would drive to the nearby town for the next two days to attend the conference. Jenna and Olivia decided they would go ahead and venture into town to stock up on groceries and relished the idea of relaxing in the mountain home for the next couple of days. The prospect of serene days in the mountains filled the air with a sense of tranquility, and Olivia couldn't wait to explore the surroundings.